frequent questions

Frequently asked questions

Our team is here to answer all your doubts and questions. You will find below the most frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Questions you may have about our company or our ocular prostheses

An ocular prosthesis is essential for maintaining the orbital cavity, providing volume and offering an
Ocular prostheses are made of resin (PMMA) and have not been made of glass for years.
A well-fitted ocular prosthesis remains discreet. However, the result will depend on the trauma you have suffered. Even a very well-made prosthesis remains artificial and will never replace your lost eye.
Mobility is a sensitive issue for patients wearing an ocular prosthesis. It will depend on the surgery performed and the trauma suffered. The eye is mobile, but it is not as mobile as a natural eye.
The manipulations are not painful, although they can sometimes be uncomfortable. No anesthetic or hospitalization is required for taking impressions or fitting lenses.
An ocular prosthesis is a foreign body that causes chronic inflammation of the palpebral conjunctiva and cavity. Daily cleaning with saline solution and regular polishing will reduce this secretion.
You can clean your ocular prosthesis on a daily basis, simply rinsing superficially with an ocular solution and a compress.

Above all, never use alcohol- or solvent-based products. These products cause irreversible damage to the prosthesis.
There are cleaning products that can improve your daily life in the event of ocular discomfort or dryness, so don’t hesitate to ask your ocularist for advice.
Semi-annual polishing is strongly recommended to ensure greater comfort.